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Sailagram: A Snapshot of May Sailing

By Monica Grant | June 7, 2024

As we head into summer we bring you photos of spring sailing. It wasn’t all sunshine, but it was fun!

Sailagram April 2024

Sailagram: A Snapshot of April Sailing

By Monica Grant | May 10, 2024

And now, for your viewing pleasure, we introduce … April, a snapshot of sailing and sailors everywhere.

Sailagram: A Snapshot of March Sailing

By Nicki Bennett | April 8, 2024

Spring has sprung, along with our clocks and our docklines. Sailors have been making the most of the warmer, sunny weather and enjoying the spring breezes on the Bay.

Sailagram: A Snapshot of February Sailing

By Heather Breaux | March 8, 2024

Sailing in February saw us enjoying Valentine’s Day, aka “I love sailing day,” plus some wet and wild weather and summery weather.

Sailagram: Snapshot of January Sailing

By Heather Breaux | February 2, 2024

2024 is off to a racey start! Lots of winter regatta action. Catch it here as Sailagram brings the heat to an otherwise chilly month on the S.F. Bay!

Sailagram: A Snapshot of December Sailing

By Heather Breaux | January 12, 2024

Happy post-holiday rush to you all, and cheers to a new year ahead with many days out on the water. Here are the last days of sailing in 2023 for your enjoyment.

Sailagram: A Snapshot of November Sailing

By Heather Breaux | December 4, 2023

Holiday festivities got going in earnest this month with some Thanksgiving sailing!

Sailagram: A Snapshot of October Sailing

By Heather Breaux | November 3, 2023

October was a big month: fall-themed regattas, Oktoberfest, Halloween and more!

Sailagram: A Snapshot of September Sailing

By Heather Breaux | October 2, 2023

Sailagram: A Snapshot of September Sailing

Sailagram: A Snapshot of August Sailing

By Nicki Bennett | September 6, 2023

Sailors gotta sail! Check out what your community was up to last month.

No Mess Kit For You!

By Richard | February 9, 2011

Alas, some boat dreams end up on the bottom.latitude/Richard© Latitude 38 Media, LLC As it stands right now, the great Esprit de La Gamelle project is as sunk as this sloop anchored not far from the Club Nautico in San Juan, Puerto Rico. But it had been a great dream, one that had brought us…

Partying with the Puddle Jumpers

By Andy Turpin | February 7, 2011

Of course they’re all smiling and excited; they’ll soon be setting sail for Tahiti! latitude/Andy© Latitude 38 Media, LLC There’s no doubt about it, the annual migration from the West Coast of the Americas to fabled isles of French Polynesia is about to begin. As always, the biggest concentrations of boats about to make the…

Super What? Super Sail!

By LaDonna | February 7, 2011

Bay sailors who are also football fans were faced with a tough choice yesterday: Enjoy a rare warm breeze aboard your boat or sit in front of the boob tube for the better part of a gorgeous afternoon. It was a no-brainer for Greg Clausen, who sails his Santana 30/30 Wisdom out of Tiburon: "I…

Piracy Rash in the Marshall Islands

By LaDonna | February 7, 2011

We’ve received several reports of theft and ransacking of cruising boats in the Marshall Islands over the last few days. Patrick and Rebecca Childress of the Rhode Island-based Valiant 40 Brick House sent this summary of recent unfortunate events that are tarnishing the reputation of this destination popular with cruisers during the South Pacific cyclone…

Cruiser Safety in Mazatlan

By Richard | February 4, 2011

In late January, three of the major cruise ship lines — Disney, Norwegian Star, and Carnival Spirit — announced they were pulling out of Mazatlan because there had been three incidents involving cruise ship passengers. Gil Diaz, the Mazatlan Port Director, said Mazatlan had welcomed 526,000 cruise ship passengers in ’10 with no incidents, but…

The Mather Family has been Around . . .

By Richard | February 4, 2011

The Mather Family — Jim, Emma, and children Phoebe,12, and Drake, 11 — report they’ve been around . . . the world, in fact, aboard their Redondo Beach-based DownEast 45 Blue Sky. The Mather Family returned from whence they came five years ago — Zihua SailFest. Blue Sky© Latitude 38 Media, LLC They re-crossed their…

Oz Cleans Up After Yasi

By LaDonna | February 4, 2011

The yachting community along the northeast coast of Australia took the brunt of Yasi’s wrath. Port Hichinbrook, where $40 million worth of boats were swept ashore, was particularly hard hit. © 2011 Brian Casey As Australians face the daunting task of cleaning up after Tropical Cyclone Yasi, officials have expressed relief that the damage caused…

Massive Cyclone Yasi Hits Australia

By LaDonna | February 2, 2011

As she neared land, Cyclone Yasi was a Cat 5. She lost a little power when she hit land, but she’ll still wreak havoc across Queensland. © NASA Australia has had a tough summer. Last month severe flooding ravaged Queensland in the northeast part of the continent, killing 20 and affecting 3.1 million more. Now…

Circumnavigation Wrap-up

By Rob Grant | February 2, 2011

What has proven to be a crazy Barcelona World Race so far is only getting crazier. After days of upwind sailing in the Indian Ocean — keep in mind it’s a "right-way" race — the Crozet Islands Ice Gate puts the fleet smack in the middle of a depression packing breeze into the mid-50s and…

SailFest is On!

By LaDonna | February 2, 2011

"A wonderful fleet of boats and enthusiastic participants have congregated for the Zihua SailFest, which started yesterday and runs through Sunday," writes SailFest organizer Pamela Bendall of the Port Hardy, B.C.-based Kristen 46 Precious Metal. "The sales desk is open, and our first school tour took place last week. It was, as always, a heartwarming…