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Where’s the Beef?

If you’re heading south into Mexican waters this season — as part of the Baja Ha-Ha rally or not — be aware that health inspectors at Cabo San Lucas and other ports of entry may board and inspect any arriving vessel to look for certain foods. We have always found them to be extremely courteous and professional. While some fresh fruits and vegetables may be confiscated, the inspectors are mostly concerned about mad cow disease. They will confiscate all beef products whether raw or cooked.

Inspection with a smile. Don’t be upset if your beef is confiscated. Mexican health inspectors like Monica are simply doing their jobs.

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC

So don’t provision more than you will consume on the trip south. We’re told that poultry and pork products are not a problem. Newcomers, please note that there is plenty of fresh food to be had in Cabo — they even have a Costco. So there’s no need to over-provision, thus slowing your boat down!

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A ruptured fuel line may be to blame for what the Coast Guard is calling an "unknown amount of fuel" released into the Bay from the Panamanian-flagged tanker Dubai Star.
"After the great farewell party for our friends who are joining the Baja Ha-Ha, we’re inspired to write about our experience in Ensenada, and especially at the marina at Hotel Coral," report Victor and Andre Satie from the Ensenada-based Freedom 36 Easy Breeze.