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‘Stad Amsterdam’ Coming to a Bridge Near You on March 6

The Stad Amsterdam is returning to San Francisco Bay on March 6. Mark the date, gather your crew, streamers and festoons, then prepare for a grand welcome on the water. Bay Area sailors are invited to greet this three-masted square-rigger as she carries a glorious 31 sails (at maximum) under the Golden Gate Bridge.

Stad Amsterdam
Stad Amersterdam is coming to a bridge near you.
© 2024 Stad Amsterdam

In August 2023, the clipper Stad Amsterdam embarked on a two-year voyage around the world with stops in Lisbon, San Francisco, Hawai’i, Tokyo, Shanghai, Sydney, Mumbai, Cape Town, New York City, London and more. She returns to homeport in August 2025, timed to coincide with SAIL Amsterdam, an international festival of tall ships that happens once every five years. San Francisco is her only western US shore stop in 2024, so the entire sailing community is invited to watch her slip into the Bay.

Call of the Sea will be the first to welcome her. Other historic boats invited include the USS Potomac, Master Mariners Benevolent Association (MMBA) members plus other wooden boat fleets, the San Francisco fireboat, and the entire sailing community. We’ll share more details a few days before her arrival.

On February 6, Stad Amsterdam reached the Panama Canal. In preparation for a 23-day journey north (once through the canal), Captain Sune Blinkenberg reports that provisions were added in Panama City in preparation for the 3400-mile sail north to San Francisco (with no planned stopovers). The Stad Amsterdam moves at 10 to 12 knots under full sail pressure, but is able to reach a peak speed of 17 to 18 knots in optimal conditions.

Stad Amsterdam on San Francisco Bay in 2018
Stad Amsterdam on San Francisco Bay in 2018
© 2024 Stad Amsterdam

“For this particular journey, however, we tactfully plan for an average speed of 6 knots, recognizing the variable and unpredictable nature of winds along that coastline.” A sail from Panama to San Francisco is all upwind, and will likely be slow due to constant northerlies. As of publication date, the vessel tracker shows her SW of Acapulco. You can track her progress here (scroll down to see tracker map).

Stad Amsterdam
The 250-ft three-masted clipper ship Stad Amsterdam is coming to San Francisco Bay.
© 2024 Stad Amsterdam

The Stad Amsterdam is a modern 76-meter (250-foot) sailing vessel. Produced between the years 1997 and 2000, her lines and production reflect traditional boatbuilding hallmarks of the late 19th century. The idea to create a tall ship came to light during SAIL Amsterdam 1995, when members of city leadership and private industry came together. Her design takes inspiration from the era of fast ocean clippers, with merchant trading vessel Amsterdam (1854) as inspiration. She carries an international crew of 30 sailors, a hospitality team and a technical team, plus trainees; all are led by two captains and five officers. A key program is providing young people with work opportunities, skills training and experiences for personal and social growth. In addition, the vessel hosts private excursions and corporate team-building programs.

The Stad Amsterdam last visited San Francisco in 2018. She is the official sailing ship of her namesake city.


  1. Jim 4 months ago

    Any updates on this?

    • John Arndt 4 months ago

      We don’t yet have a specific ETA though we understand they are still on target for Wednesday. You can see their current location and track by scrolling down the page here: Looking at the track it looks like they’ve reversed course last night so we’ll have to check in.

  2. shrspeedblade 4 months ago

    Thank you John, I’ve been keeping an eye on their progress and noted that turn as well. Based on predicted winds being favorable I assume they’re trying not to arrive too early! I’m sailing down from Napa to see them come in so will probably head down tomorrow to be down there Wednesday morning and hope for the best. Thanks again!

  3. Diane Livia 4 months ago

    Apparently, it arrived today. Does anyone know if there will be tours?

    • John Arndt 4 months ago

      They have a tracker on their website: – scroll down the page and you’ll see they are still quite far to the southwest. We’re waiting to hear a more precise ETA.

  4. DIANE LIVIA 4 months ago

    Thank you! Confusing video online.

  5. Kelly Cuffe 4 months ago

    Hi John – I very much appreciate your updates and comments. I drove up from Santa Cruz and am staying up in SF/Marin just to see the Stad Amsterdam sail under the Golden Gate Bridge and into the SF Bay. I have been keeping watch of their track map, and wonder if they will actually make it by Wednesday. I sure hope so! Do you know where they are planning to dock and if they will be giving tours of the ship at some point?

    • John Arndt 4 months ago

      The Stad Amsterdam is planned to dock at Piers 30/32 in San Francisco and scheduled Open Ship, March 12 1000-1600, Free to public, must have ID. They have a favorable breeze and powerful engines – we’re pretty sure we’ll see them on Wednesday.

  6. Christine Weaver 4 months ago

    Here’s the latest update on Stad Amsterdam’s arrival, visit and departure, from the Master Mariners: Wednesday, March 6th Arrival:
    Estimated arrival at the Golden Gate Bridge is between 7:30-7:45am
    Seaward is the official Call of the Sea welcoming ship
    Estimated docking at pier 30/32 8:30am
    Tuesday, March 12th Open Ship Tour:
    There is an opportunity to tour this beautiful Tall Ship!
    Free to the public at pier 30/32 from 10am-4pm
    Must have ID
    Sunday, March 24th Departure Parade:
    Estimated departure from pier 30/32 10am (subject to change)
    SF Fireboat to accompany her from pier to Golden Gate Bridge
    Since arrival is now early morning, can we get boats out to accompany her departure?
    Please RSVP to [email protected] if you will be out on your boat for their arrival or departure. I’ll notify you of any last-minute changes.

  7. Jim 4 months ago

    RSVP send. I am in a green Nor’West 33 anchored in Richardson Bay.

  8. Pat Broderick 4 months ago

    I’ll be joining “Stad Amsterdam” for the voyage from Honolulu to Tokyo. I plan to join the SF departure parade on March 24.
    Pat Broderick
    Wyliecat 30 #28890

  9. Marianne A. 4 months ago

    How did it go? Any photos? That was a tough arrival time, we will certainly try to be there for her departure! <3

    • John Arndt 4 months ago

      It was a bit drizzly and grey but all good. Should have some pics up on ‘Lectronic Latitude about noontime today!

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