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Ronnie Simpson Passes Cape of Good Hope in Global Solo Challenge

Bay Area sailor Ronnie Simpson has passed a significant milestone in the Global Solo Challenge. Today’s official report on the race website reads: “Ronnie Simpson aboard Shipyard Brewing rounded the Cape of Good Hope today at around 10:00 UTC. The American skipper reached this important milestone after 35 days of sailing on his Open 50.”

We’ve been following Ronnie’s journey since the start of his campaign and are ecstatic to watch as he sails his way across oceans in his first solo, global race.

The feeling is real! Ronnie Simpson, currently is fourth place, rounds the first of three capes.
© 2023

We last shared an update in late October, when Ronnie was lining up in A Coruña, Spain, for the start of the inaugural race. The lead-up had been a busy and somewhat stressful time with a boatload of jobs to be done, and a major sponsor to be secured. Fortunately both came to fruition and Ronnie headed off to sea aboard his Open 50, formerly Sparrow, now renamed Shipyard Brewing in honor of his new sponsor — Shipyard Brewing Company.

In the lead-up to the rounding of the Horn, Ronnie wrote on his website

There are a number of milestones to be celebrated and reflected upon in this entry. I have now been out here at sea for more than a month. Shipyard Brewing and I have now passed the 1/4 way mark in this long journey of ours; on the theoretical route at least. I am now in the South, and have sailed through two depressions and am closing on my first Great Cape.”


For the most part, Shipyard Brewing is holding up well though, although a light-air project list is always at the front of my mind. Still pretty surreal to be sliding along in the Southern Ocean and closing in on my first major Cape rounding.

Ronnie Simpson gives Shipyard Brewing’s Pumpkinhead a rundown on the boat.
© 2023
The Open 50 that is currently taking Ronnie around the world.
© 2023

We’ll bring you more updated news as the race continues. Stay tuned. And “Go, Ronnie!

Tune in to our podcast, Good Jibes, Episode #115, to learn more about Ronnie’s prep for the Global Solo Challenge. 


  1. Emil Giese 7 months ago

    Go Ronnie Go!!

  2. Memo Gidley 7 months ago

    So great! Push, push, push!!!

  3. Katie Morgan 7 months ago

    Go Ronnie! A friendly hello from boat 4 out of Manhattan Yacht Club. You raced with us last fall, shared dinner and drinks and gave us a tour of your boat at the time it was called Sparrow. You offered to take Linda and Andrea sailing a few day later but the weather was bad and they backed out. If they had sailed maybe you would have had a different sponsor. Seems like you’re doing great.
    Sail fast and most importantly have fun.

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