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Pacific Coast Yachting Association Members Rally To Support the Lahaina Yacht Club

Latitude 38 is passing along this message from the following West Coast sailing organizations with their support for the recovery of Lahaina and the Lahaina Yacht Club.

West Coast yachting organizations connect to support Lahaina Yacht Club.
West Coast yachting associations are collaborating to support Lahaina, Lahaina Yacht Club and its members.
© 2023 Pacific Coast Yachting Association

This message is for all, especially our West Coast friends who know all too well the horrendous effects of wind and fire. The commodore of the Lahaina Yacht Club writes:

“Aloha All,

“I am writing this so I can respond to all of those who reached out to us with concern and support. I truly wish I could do this on a more personal 1 to 1 based response but losing the town, club and my own residence I am a bit overwhelmed at this time.

“We in Lahaina and at the LYC feel the love. We appreciate all your inquiries of concern and offerings to help. I know a lot of clubs are organizing fundraisers and other things to assist LYC and that is truly amazing. We are absolutely humbled by the support and efforts to help.”

Lahaina Yacht Club
Lahaina Yacht Club burgee.
© 2023 Lahaina Yacht Club

“We have had a few quick meetings and have set a short action step-up plan to secure a spot to rebuild, set up donation buttons on our website, continue some e-commerce through our ship store and also function best we can as a club (just without a clubhouse). We are working on drafting info regarding these steps and processes to not only our members but our friends and reciprocal clubs. Included will also be a new P.O. Box for physical correspondence.

“Things are happening but our immediate priority has been to take care of our members and employees with housing, unemployment, food, etc. … all other things LYC are right behind that.

“We are truly grateful for all of your support and offerings to help Lahaina Yacht Club and you will be hearing from us soon.

“We hope to see you all back here in Lahaina and at LYC as soon as we rebuild.

“Mahalo,” Dave Schubert

The Pacific Coast Yachtimg Association consists of Pacific International Yachting Association representing clubs from southwest Canada, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association represents clubs in Northern California, and Southern California Yachting Association in Southern California from Morro Bay to San Diego, Arizona, and Mexico. The PCYA is not soliciting donations. We are responding to the many clubs and associations asking what they can do to support the citizens of Lahaina and LYC. Understanding that too many offers from too many directions is not helpful in a crisis, we suggest a course both simple and direct:

Lahaina Yacht Club has made it easy to donate. Simply go to

With the rest of the nation we support the people of Maui as they recover, rebuild and grieve for their losses.


1 Comment

  1. Jon 10 months ago

    We have enjoyed the hospitality at the club for many years. Exchanging club burgees and enjoying lobster dinners. Our hearts go out to all the members and employees there.


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