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Proposed Access Tolls for Treasure Island

We recently received an email from a concerned reader, alerting us to a proposal for what he wrote are “congestion management” tolls to access and leave Treasure Island. According to the website San Francisco Planning, developments on the island include “up to 8,000 homes; 140,000 square feet of new commercial and retail space; 100,000 square feet of new office space; a 500-room hotel; and 300 acres of parks and public open space.” It is also written that “the project creates a town center and also includes a ferry terminal, retail district, plaza, and a 400-slip marina.” This all sounds like good news right? Except that there is now a plan to subsidize some of the development costs with tolls.

The concern our reader expressed is that the tolls will affect all water users: “In addition to impacting windsurfers, wingers, kiters, kayakers, SUPs and non-motorized water sports having parking and access to the ramp on the northeast corner, as expressed in the Bay Conservation &  Development Commission’s Bay Plan, the toll also impacts not only sailors trying to get to the marina but also wanna-be youth sailors trying to get to the Treasure Island Sailing Center.”

Treasure Island
An artist’s rendering of the future of Treasure Island.
© 2021 San Francisco County Transportation Authority

From what we understand, Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency [TIMMA] is holding a Virtual Open House on November 17, 2021, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The “outreach event” will cover information about proposed rates, discounts, and hours for the Treasure Island toll, along with information about a new or expanded bus and ferry service and transit passes.

You can follow this link for more information.

Links and phone numbers to join the meeting can be found here: Treasure Island Outreach.

To be honest, we don’t know a lot about what is happening regarding the tolls, but if they’re going to affect sailors, we’ll be doing our best to find out more and let our readers know what’s happening. Stay tuned!


  1. Tom Gandesbery 3 years ago

    Thank you L38 for getting the word out. Any sailor who visits the Clipper Cove marina by automobile would need to pay the toll (both directions!). Likewise those visiting (and working at) businesses on the island. The intent is to encourage public transit use by the future residents, but unfortunately, it impacts those who just want to visit the publically owned waterfront and can’t do it by bike or bus.

  2. milly Biller 3 years ago

    What Tom says makes it seem that this plan would negatively impact users of the water. In addition, I have to wonder about all this development in the face of sea level rise and potential earthquakes on an island that is essentially bay fill. It seems beneficial to the developer, and and not much else.

    • Tom Gandesbery 3 years ago

      Actually the developers have been very busy excavating away Yerba Buena Island and taking fill from projects in downtown SF to raise the new development area well above sea level. For quakes, they brought in huge drills and injected a slurry along the waterfront. I have no idea what the foundations are going to look like but suspect they won’t be using the millennial tower design! The new condo owners will go course be paying for all this high tech, so why not the transit system too?

  3. Jackson Show 3 years ago

    We in California talk about welcoming all but when push comes to shove we block all development. Then we are surprised that housing is expensive. I understand the shortcomings of the plan but tell me a plan you approve of in your neighborhood.

    • Jeffrey Finn 3 years ago

      No-one is blocking the plan, but a double cross by the developer and agencies involved. The final environmental impact report said they would not charge for recreational access. The developer is giving 60 million of 480 million needed for the ferry. To charge 10 dollars to get on and off the island will turn it into a gated community for the rich. The developer is going to make billions. Their wealthy new residents should pay their way. The recreation users are a very small percentage of traffic and off hours too.

    • Chris 3 years ago

      Jackson-We are not opposed to the development, especially as it adds housing to region that desperately needs it. We worked with the City and the developers to provide open space and dedicated water access when this master plan was developed 10-15 years ago. For many in the windsurfing community, this launch has been used for decades and all we are asking is for that continued use with being heavily penalized to get to the launch. The tolls as currently proposed will essentially kill windsurfing on Treasure Island as it will be financially prohibitive to go out there on a regular basis.

  4. Jeffrey Finn 3 years ago

    See the San Francisco Board Sailing Association comment letter here.

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