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Episode #146: Erica Mattson on Doublehanding the Pacific Cup

This week’s host, Moe Roddy, is joined by Erica Mattson to chat crossing the Pacific with a crew of two on a small boat. Erica and her father Robin Jeffers will set sail on her Moore 24 Accelerando for the 2024 Pacific Cup (Pac Cup) on July 15th.

Hear how Erica qualified for the US Sailing Team in the ‘90s, how she committed to sailing to Hawaii, their sleeping and eating schedule during the race, how to decompress once you’re back on land, and what they’ll do differently from their 2022 Pacific Cup race.


This episode covers everything from the Pac Cup to the Olympics. Here’s a small sample of what you will hear:

  • When was the first time Erica was on a boat?
  • What was her favorite boat growing up?
  • Where did she qualify for the US Sailing Team?
  • How did she decide to race to Hawaii?
  • Why did she get a Moore 24?
  • What kind of watch system did she keep?
  • Was she ever scared during the race?
  • Short Tacks: Who would she have coffee with?

Follow Erica during the race at

Check out the episode and show notes below for much more detail.

Erica Mattson and Robin Jeffers.
© 2024 Erica Mattson
Erica Mattson's 'Accelerando'
Erica aboard Accelerando.
© 2024 Erica Mattson
Is this Erica’s favorite boat?
© 2024 Erica Mattson

Show Notes

  • Erica Mattson on Doublehanding the Pacific Cup
    • [0:28] Welcome to Good Jibes with Latitude 38
    • [0:30] Moe Roddy
    • [0:47] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at
    • [1:12] Follow Erica during the race at
    • [2:10] Where was she born?
    • [2:55] When was the first time she was on a boat?
    • [3:05] Was she part of a junior sailing program?
    • [3:49] Laser, Radial
    • [5:31] Episode #45: “Mary Menninger on Following Your Sailing Passion
    • [5:52] Did Erica race against fellow famous sailors?
    • [6:52] What was her favorite boat growing up?
    • [8:07] Sausalito Yacht Club (SYC)
    • [8:30] Did Erica sail in high school?
    • [9:15] What did she sail after Lasers?
    • [10:00] What is a Europe Dinghy?
    • [11:34] What boat did Erica make it to the Olympic trials in?
    • [13:31] How did she train for the Olympics?
    • [15:47] Ensure
    • [16:28] Where did Erica qualify for the US Sailing Team?
    • [18:09] Paint your boat like a pro with Interlux! Learn more at
    • Pacific Cup
    • [19:22] Does Erica do any cruising?
    • [20:39] How did she decide to race to Hawaii?
    • [21:12] Transpac (Transpacific Yacht Race), Pacific Cup (Pac Cup) 
    • [22:08] COVID-19
    • [23:25] What did Erica’s father, Robin Jeffers, think of joining her in the Pacific Cup?
    • [25:32] Why did she get a Moore 24?
    • [27:08] Who designed the Moore 24?
    • [27:35] How did Erica find Accelerando?
    • [30:05] Does the Moore 24 have an engine?
    • [31:24] Where do you sleep on a Moore 24?
    • [32:07] What kind of watch system did Erica keep?
    • [33:14] What did she eat during the race?
    • [34:55] Was she ever scared during the race?
    • [37:16] GPS (Global Positioning System)
    • [38:07] Did Erica have any profound experiences in the middle of the night?
    • [39:15] “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles
    • [39:33] Southern Cross
    • [40:11] Was it hard for Erica to decompress when she got back on land?
    • [43:38] How much does she sail in Tahoe?
    • [44:07] Tahoe Yacht Club (TYC)
    • [44:43] What kind of boats do they race there?
    • [46:01] Airbnb
    • [46:12] Paint your boat like a pro with Interlux! Learn more at
    • Short Tacks
    • [47:24] Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
    • [47:52] Check out the Latitude 38 Bookstore here for books recommended by Good Jibes guests
    • [48:05] What does Erica plant in her garden?
    • [48:46] What’s her favorite trip she’s been on?
    • [49:35] Who would she have coffee with?
    • [50:05] What’s the most important business lesson she’s learned?
    • [50:54] What’s the most important sailing lesson she’s learned?
    • [51:30] Who’s inspired her the most in her life?
    • [51:53] What was her favorite meal to eat on her way to Hawaii?
    • [53:07] What Final Thoughts does she have?
    • [54:34] Follow Erica during the race at
    • [56:14] What does she wish Moe asked?
    • [57:16] Make sure to follow Good Jibes with Latitude 38 on your favorite podcast spot and leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts
    • [57:21] Got a great sailing story to submit? Do so at [email protected]
    • [57:28] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at
    • [57:35] Email [email protected] to advertise on this podcast or in Latitude 38 sailing magazine
    • [57:47] Check out the June 2024 issue of Latitude 38
    • Theme Song: “Pineapple Dream” by Solxis