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An Olympic Send-Off for Daniela Moroz at StFYC Wednesday Yachting Luncheon

The Paris Olympic Women’s US Kiteboarding representative, Daniela Moroz, is heading to Europe for the final few months of training and competing before the Games’ opening ceremonies on July 26. Daniela is a six-time women’s kite-foiling world champion and four-time US Rolex Yachtswoman of the Year (one Rolex for every US time zone), and is clearly a strong contender for a medal, though, as in all sports, the field is getting increasingly competitive.

Ron Young, Daniela Moroz, Linda Moroz
Wednesday Yachting Luncheon MC Ron Young with Daniela and her mom Linda Moroz.
© 2024 Latitude 38 Media LLC / John

Daniela’s ebullient personality was on display as she addressed the audience at the St. Francis Yacht Club’s Wednesday Yachting Luncheon. The gathering consisted of almost 120 boosters and supporters who, with the help of MC Ron Young, were inspired to contribute to the expensive proposition of mounting an Olympic campaign. The gathered group far exceeded their fund-raising goal to support the coaching, travel, equipment development and all other ingredients necessary when going up against the world’s other well-funded and competitive women’s kiteboarders. You can watch her presentation on YouTube here.

Wednesday Yachting Luncheon
Ron Young and Daniela Moroz discussed her campaign in front of a large crowd of fans and supporters at the StFYC Wednesday Yachting Luncheon.
© 2024 StFYC/Wednesday Yachting Luncheon

Since winning her first women’s kite-foiling world championship at age 15 in 2016, Daniela has remained an enthusiastic and resilient competitor through the highs and lows of what has been a consistent run at the top of women’s kite foiling. Daniela has continued to develop her skills, and also embraced the challenge of managing the expectations and sports psychology that come with staying at the top of your game over the long haul.

Commodore Chris Perkins
Debbie Smith with St. Francis YC Commodore Chris Perkins giving Daniela a fundraising check for her Olympic campaign. Debbie and Bruce Smith have been solid supporters of Daniela and aspiring youth sailors.
© 2024 John

When speaking, Daniela is always quick to credit the San Francisco Bay kiteboarding community and mentors who have always encouraged and challenged her to be her best. It’s a long road to the Olympics for any athlete, and beyond managing your mental, physical and technical abilities for racing is the “business” of running a campaign that includes fundraising, coaching and a team of people to support Olympic success.

When Daniela won her first world championship, kite foiling was not yet an Olympic sport. After a vote in 2018, kite foiling will make its Olympic debut this year in Paris. (The sailing events will be held in Marseille.)

Daniela has a huge fan base of local boosters and admirers who have followed her dedication and hard work over the years. All are wishing her bon voyage and best wishes as she departs for the Olympics and training in Europe in the next couple of weeks.

You can listen to Moe Roddy’s Good Jibes podcast with Daniela here and contribute to her campaign here.


1 Comment

  1. Memo Gidley 4 months ago

    Go Daniela! Push to win!

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