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KKMI Wishes you Happy Haul-idays

KKMI Happy Haul-idays


As an essential business, we want you to know that we are here to (safely) help you keep your boat ready to shelter in place on the Bay and beyond. Wishing you a safe, sane and happy Holiday Season!

Sailing in the Snow and Ice
It can be hard to understand why some would choose to sail north until you see the raw beauty of the anchorages. Yes, it's cold, but if you're looking to get away from it all, this is the way to succeed.
Getting the Rub on Protection
I added these chafe guards in the spring of 2016. They are still intact, serving their purpose after somewhere around one hundred evenings at anchor in a large variety of conditions, some of them quite extreme.
Circumnavigation Updates
On Friday, after a little more than 16 days at sea, skipper Thomas Coville and crew decided to end their try for the Trophée Jules Verne on Sodebo Ultim 3.
Dramatic Rescue in San Francisco Bay
Niklas Hache was singlehanding his 22-ft Santana outside Berkeley Marina when his boom swung and knocked him overboard. The current and the cold water quickly conspired to create a life-threatening situation for the 32-year-old sailor.