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Hurricane Otis Devastates the Acapulco Waterfront

As Acapulco digs out from the severe damage caused by Hurricane Otis, the extent of the damage to the renowned Acapulco Yacht Club is becoming clear. It’s not surprising that the yacht club, boats and marina, tucked up in the typically well-protected NW corner of Acapulco Bay, was severely damaged by Otis. The docks were ravaged, boats sank, and most of the many dry-stored boats were knocked over and damaged. The clubhouse is also severely damaged.

Hurricane Otis Acapulco
Hurricane Otis devastated the entire waterfront with severe damage to the Acapulco Yacht Club and its boats and facilities.
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Hurricane Otis Acapulco
Not every boat in the dry-storage yard fell, but it appears most did.
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These before and after images tell a sad tale. Many boats were battered, sunk or washed up on the beaches.
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The storm arrived with very little warning, since about 24 hours earlier it was a tropical storm that was not expected to grow significantly. Since then meteorologists have all expressed shock at how rapidly it changed gears into an explosive Category 5 hurricane that was essentially a direct hit on Acapulco. Even with more advance warning it’s hard to imagine how boats and waterfront facilities could have done much to mitigate the damage from a storm of this magnitude.

Surely there will be relief organizations looking for support to help the many in need throughout the Acapulco region. We’ll be looking to hear from trusted entities that can help.

The following videos shared across social media show the reality of the hurricane’s aftermath:



  1. Jim 8 months ago

    So very sad. I have been in that bay, unbelievable!

  2. milly Biller 8 months ago

    I had heard that the near shore water temperature had gone up to 90′

  3. SV Serenity 8 months ago

    Sadly, we will give Acapulco a wide berth when we sail from Zihuatenejo to Huatulco next month.

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