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Crew Assignments on the Waggen

The skipper looked over his new crew. “Good morning, everyone. I’m Louis Kannen and this is the H.A.F.-designed sprit yawl Waggen. I don’t know why that’s her name; perhaps she was fleet pooch for many years. So, let’s get on with introductions.

“This is Bert Wood, my first mate. Mr. Wood’s experience is entirely with plastic boats, the latest one looking somewhat like a carry-out container with canvas.

“During my previous journeys on this boat, we did many MOB drills. It is my sworn duty no one shall fall off the Waggen. I run a tight ship despite prior skippers saying there’ll be no Louis Kannens on the yacht.

“Now I would like each of you to introduce yourselves and state your experience.”

One by one Len Baumann, Howard Leech, Russell “Rusty” Rutter, twins Steven and Sam Poole, Alex Helm, Red “Rolly” Stearn, Daniel Zhing (a Cantonese), Lance Hull, Phillip “Slim” Kiel, Arnold Tillor and Douglas Sales (“Like Soupy Sales,” he said) each told the skipper about his experience.

“Gentlemen, judging by your statements, here’s where you’ll be stationed while on board:

“Len Baumann is at the pushpit, Steve and Sam Poole check the bilge, Lance tunes the mast, Rolly is needed at the sprit, Slim needs to check the mainmast head, Rusty needs to look at the upper spreaders, Alex needs to look forward below the waterline, Doug check the underwater foils, Arnie is at the inner forestay, and Howard at outer forestay.”

As late arrivals, brothers John and Bill Walker were told to check the runners.

Wood inquired again about the bilge. “Pooles should be in the bilge,” said Kannen.

To other crew who raised questions: Alex was to assist Doug Sales below the waterline and later help Dan Zhing with the spars.

Kannen stated that they should check the crew assignment diagram and familiarize themselves with the boat:

Diagram of Waggen


  1. John McNeill 3 months ago


  2. Andy K 3 months ago

    Stay tuned for the AFD entry next year. Richard is probably wondering what in hell happened to his beloved magazine…

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