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  1. Kirk 4 months ago

    Told you we don’t need no stinking beach to careen her!

  2. Kent Carter 4 months ago

    Hey guys, hang out while I pop into Marks and Spencer.

  3. Mark Bettis 4 months ago

    Honey, when I asked you to hang the sailboat on the wall I was talking about the PICTURE!!

  4. D Baker 4 months ago

    We were going to hang it over the fireplace, but it was just to big.

  5. Alice Cochran 4 months ago

    Hang in there baby!

  6. Beau Vrolyk 4 months ago

    “Huston! We have lift off!”

  7. Stuart Greenberg 4 months ago

    Guess the tide book needs to be updated.

  8. Geoff Ferrell 4 months ago

    I hate Daylight Savings Time

  9. stephen Golden 4 months ago

    Stove Gimble works great!

  10. Kahuna 4 months ago

    That is 1 off the wall maneuver “yeeha “

  11. Ron Harben 4 months ago

    “See,” said the climate change denier, “here’s the proof that the sea level isn’t rising!”

  12. Jirge 4 months ago

    Hull cleaning without a diver

  13. Bob Martin 4 months ago

    Now we just swing it back and forth and presto clean bottom!

  14. Linda Newland 4 months ago

    Suspended animation. Time for another beer.

  15. Paul Mathews 4 months ago

    Tide’s out!

  16. Brian Richards 4 months ago

    We’re ready for the glaciers to melt.

  17. Tony Spooner 4 months ago

    I’m telling you, the bath water is too hot.

  18. Marc Perry 4 months ago


  19. Scott Henry 4 months ago

    Now I’ve seen everything! A Sailboat holding up a retaining wall!

  20. Roger Briggs 4 months ago

    Okay, who pulled the plug on the ocean?

  21. Scott Henry 4 months ago

    This must be what they mean by “waiting for the tide before leaving”?

  22. matt klein 4 months ago

    Tide Schmide,

  23. vance sprock 4 months ago

    Honey, do you think we should slacken the dock lines?

  24. John Walsh 4 months ago

    Keel haul, 2.0

  25. Jeff Collier 4 months ago

    Hang on Sloopy Hang on !

  26. Bill Huber 4 months ago

    I thought they said MID-TIED, not MED-TIED!
    How can you Med-tie in Maine?

  27. Klaus Kutz 4 months ago

    The boat’s name is “Harvey Wallbanger”.

  28. Charles Edmonds 4 months ago

    “All in all it’s just another boat on the wall…”

  29. Andreas Kral 4 months ago

    Hang ‘Em High

  30. Gerhard 4 months ago

    The cleats are holding.

  31. Mark 4 months ago

    Extreme careening award!

  32. Jeff E 4 months ago

    Someone knows how to tie a knot!

  33. Bill Willcox 4 months ago

    Suspended disbelief?

  34. Eben Kermit 4 months ago

    Captain addressing the assembled crew… “We are so far upstream, that tide has no effect. Make her fast and all ashore for a flagon of grog!”

  35. Jackson Haring 4 months ago

    Hung out to dry.

  36. Brian Beers 4 months ago

    Banksy tries his hand at marine art.

  37. D Peterson 4 months ago

    So much for using non-stretch rope for mooring lines; switching to bungie cords.D Peterson

  38. David Henry 4 months ago

    We need a little more muscle to scale this wall!

  39. Kerry Burke 4 months ago

    Half Moon yoga pose for sailing vessels!

  40. Brian Grainger 3 months ago

    Is this the guest dock?

  41. Dan Cooper 3 months ago

    Combining sailing and skateboarding for the next extreme sport.

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