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Caption Contest(!)

Welcome back to Caption Contest(!). Seals sure do get around… This month we share a photo of Angela Goodwin getting ready to round the leeward mark on the Cal 20 Greyhound, taken by Volker Corell during Cabrillo Beach YC’s “Wet Wednesday,” on June 30, 2021.

Your caption here!
© 2023 Volker Corell

And remember to check out February’s Caption Contest(!) winners in the March issue of Latitude 38!


  1. Pat McIntosh 1 year ago

    The first two boats rounding the mark have an emergency meeting with the protest committee!

  2. Brent Draney 1 year ago

    I need crew and have good sandos, slide on over.

  3. Kit Beck 1 year ago

    Always looking for additional crew

  4. Bill Andrew 1 year ago

    The foul was obvious. Protests were filed, and all three seals were disqualified for not rerounding the windward mark.

  5. Glenn Schmudde 1 year ago

    Animal lovers stop to feed the sea lions

  6. Roger Briggs 1 year ago

    Seal: Hey Cal 20 crew, we happen to know the first boat to this leeward mark, hit it and seriously bent it, and they didn’t do a penalty turn. BTW, please ask them when they intend to fix our buoy.

  7. Mark Caplin 1 year ago

    The seal Uber-“Well, John thanks for the fish and chips but my ride’s here..”

  8. Peter Bellak 1 year ago

    Racers anxiously round buoy 11 for the coveted seal of approval.

  9. Jay Sorensen 1 year ago

    Who ordered from Slooper Eats?

  10. Lee Panza 1 year ago

    Cabrillo Beach YC has a VERY experienced and enthusiastic race committee, but their committee boat could use some maintenance.

  11. David N Henry 1 year ago

    What happened to Sammy, our 4th lookout? He let these interlopers get too close!

  12. Scott Henry 1 year ago

    See, I told you this would be a great place to watch the racing!

  13. David Cohan 1 year ago

    If you this it’s hard to get tickets to a Taylor Swift concert, try being a seal angling for front row seating at the turning mark!

  14. chris white 1 year ago

    I always wanted a green stripe.

  15. Ron Harben 1 year ago

    HEY! We’re sleeping here!

  16. Bill Huber 1 year ago

    All participants rounding the leeward mark received special citations from US Fish & Wildlife Service!

  17. Klaus Kutz 1 year ago

    Hey, not in my backyard, you don’t!

  18. Ken Brinkley 1 year ago

    Ask not for whom the bell tolls !

  19. Brian Beers 1 year ago

    Honey, Door Dash is here, make sure the sardines aren’t still frozen this time.

  20. Max Crittenden 1 year ago

    You bumped that seal’s nose! Do your 360!

  21. Joseph F Maciorowski 1 year ago

    Jump on we need more railmeat!!

  22. Geoff Capell 1 year ago

    There’s always someone crashing our party.

  23. Susan Ingram 1 year ago

    Pardon me… do you have any gray Poopon?

  24. Folsom Phil 1 year ago

    What’s all this about a pimped audience?!
    oh, PINNIPED audience.

    neVER mind

  25. John Callahan 1 year ago

    First that giant ship damaged our buoy, now this. What a week we’re having!

  26. Rob Falconer 1 year ago

    We could never get a real lighthouse keeper for ten pounds of cod a week

  27. Rich Hudnut 1 year ago

    Buoy 11 residents “don’t hit my home again”

  28. Shaz Botnanu 1 year ago

    Photo evidence that, with the right sails and crew, and enough time, you can pass a stationary object with a Cal 20’

  29. Eben L Kermit 1 year ago

    The crash was inevitable. “Bouy! S*T*A*R*B*O*A*R*D!!!” yelled the crew, but too late, as the skipper was red/green color blind. His fate was sealed.

  30. Cecile Schwedes 1 year ago

    No, the S.I.’s were NOT in Braille!

  31. Dave Peterson 1 year ago

    Seal Team 11 posting guard to protect the damaged buoy from possible bow strikes.

  32. Cecile Schwedes 1 year ago

    Race Committee gets close and personal!

  33. Ron Harben 5 months ago

    Atmospheric River? Its more like a damned atmospheric freeway!

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