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Baja Ha-Ha XXX Is Looking Sweet — Registrations Open May 9

It’s happening! The Baja Ha-Ha is celebrating its coming of age with the 30th cruisers’ rally heading to Mexico on November 4. Here’s what the Poobah had to say about it last week.

“It’s just 42 days until registration opens for the historic Baja Ha-Ha XXX, and 221 days until the start from San Diego …”

Accompanying the message was this cute photo of a next-gen cruiser.

Baja Ha-Ha baby on board
Zofia shows other kids how to properly hold a sheet.
© 2024

“Conceived by parents Zacary Singer and Karina Velasco during the 2022 Ha-Ha, Zofia isn’t sure why they didn’t go last year, but is happy they are gearing up their Andrews 56 Encore for another Ha-Ha run this year.” (By the way, Zacary has a great sailing story — read it here.)

“Zofia is looking forward to 750 miles of almost certain downwind sailing conditions, R&R stops at funky Turtle Bay and surreal Bahia Santa Maria, eight social events, and lots of cruising kids to socialize with.”

Cruising kids line up to compete for Ha-Ha gold.
© 2024 Baja Ha-Ha

“While eagerly looking forward to Kids’ Diving Olympics off the transom of Profligate in Turtle Bay, Zofia is going to pass on the Here to Eternity Kissing Contest in Cabo San Lucas. ‘I’m a little young for that,’ she says.

“Cute-as-can-be Zofia may be young, but if you look closely, you can see that she already knows the proper way to hold a sheet or halyard to prevent her little fingers from getting crushed in case of an accident.”

To learn more about becoming part of Ha-Ha history, visit

1 Comment

  1. Orlando 3 months ago

    Gee, I can’t wait for the bait and switch of “…this might be the last Ha Ha” by Spindler and Patsy….

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