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For more than 40 years Latitude 38 has covered the world of sailing through the eyes of the West Coast sailor. We’ve provided sailors the connections, stories and inspiration from our sailing community, and kept you informed by reporting the good news and bad news, insights, entertainment, fun activities and antics from sailors near and far.

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'Lectronic Latitude

Marine Flare Disposal Bill One Step Closer to Passing

SB 1066 — The Marine Flare Producer Responsibility Act for the safe and convenient collection of marine flares — will now go to the Assembly for consideration.

We took Ron's photo at the Svendsen's Spring Fling.

Ron Harben Lands a Crew Position

You never know how the universe is going to act, but if you want to crew on a boat, it helps to put your name out there.

Counting Down to the 30th Baja Ha-Ha Cruisers Rally, and Surfing!

Surf’s up in Baja? We’re looking ahead to later in the year when sailors head south to Mexico.

Special Offer for a Two Coat Bottom Painting Package from KKMI

Book your special offer with KKMI before July 31.

Join the 39th Plastic Classic Regatta

Sign up for the 39th annual Plastic Classic Regatta on July 20, hosted by the Bay View Boat Club.