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'Lectronic Latitude

Exhibitors Rev Up for Strictly Sail Pacific

As we post this, the exhibit floor of the Strictly Sail Pacific boat show at Oakland’s Jack London Square is bustling with frenetic activity in anticipation of tomorrow’s opening. National, international and local boat and gear manufacturers, as well as a broad range of service providers, will be on hand to share their expertise and…

Every Sailor’s Nightmare

Five containers fell from a ship off Bolinas on April 2. The Doublehanded Farallones Race started the next morning. © 2010 Tim Sell Sailing into a half-submerged container is every sailor’s nightmare. On Saturday, April 3, the 65 boats that sailed out the Gate in BAMA’s Doublehanded Farallones Race came close to living that nightmare…

Kattywampus Lost on South Pacific Reef

We’re sorry to report that the Port Townsend, WA-based Golden Wave 42 Kattywompus was lost earlier this week when she struck a reef on the North Island of New Zealand.  According to an emailed alert from South Pacific cruiser Bob Bechler of the Seattle-based Gulfstar 44 Sisiutl, "Brad Nelson and Linda Attaway were coming into…

Long Overdue Yacht Columbia Arrives

Much to the relief of her crew’s family members, the 45-ft cutter Columbia arrived safely at Coquimbo, Chile, on Sunday — 35 days after her anticipated arrival — thus ending a search that involved hundreds of vessels over thousands of miles of open ocean. Michell Westlake and the other trainees arrived safely. We’re curious about…

Guam in Danger of Tipping Over!

If you have faith in the people who represent us in government, you’re not going to want to read this. So go away. But if you can stand the truth, you’ll want to check this out, because it’s both hilarious and terrifying. The YouTube video is of United States Congressman Hank Johnson, a Democrat who…