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For more than 40 years Latitude 38 has covered the world of sailing through the eyes of the West Coast sailor. We’ve provided sailors the connections, stories and inspiration from our sailing community, and kept you informed by reporting the good news and bad news, insights, entertainment, fun activities and antics from sailors near and far.

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'Lectronic Latitude

This Weekend’s Big Doin’s

All sorts of good stuff is going on this weekend, starting with Marinship Day tomorrow at the Sausalito West Marine from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Being held in conjunction with the Spaulding Boat Center’s Open House — and with a raffle and BBQ benefitting the Center — the event will feature a boater’s swap meet (to…

The Word ‘Love’ Raised Big Suspicions

We received the following request for money the other day from Norm Goldie, who we’ve often described as a controversial figure in San Blas, Mexico: "How are you doing? I am so sorry I wasn’t able to inform you on time about my trip to England to visit my ill cousin. It was an emergency…

Folkboat Available for Donation

So shines a good deed in a weary world. This International Folkboat is ready for a new home in a youth sailing program. Cosimo©2010 Latitude 38 Media, LLC Reader Michael Colin emailed an interesting request the other day: "I have a cherished 1973 International Folkboat located at Channel Islands Harbor in Oxnard that I’d like…

Photo of the Day Contest

“Where in the world…” © 2010 Sally Sailor They say we must all keep our brains active so that our gray matter doesn’t become muddied prematurely. So here’s a little cyber challenge for you: Where was the photo above taken? If you’re a well-traveled sailor, you may have parked your dink on the very beach…

Little Fawn Wrecked, Then Rescued

The crew of Southern Cross were greeted by this sad sight when they arrived at Agua Verde in early April — Little Fawn holed on the beach. Southern Cross©2010 Latitude 38 Media, LLC Martin and Robin Hardy of the 52-ft trawler The Cat’s Meow are at it again. Back in September ’03, the Hardys worked…