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'Lectronic Latitude

More on Bogus Bob

The extent some people will go to in perpetrating a fraud never ceases to amaze us. Take, for example, the case of Boguslaw ‘Bob’ Norwid, who is now the focus of scrutiny by the maritime authorities of several nations. Regular readers will recall our recent reports on the widespread search for Norwid’s sail training vessel…

Extreme Sailing for the Potter Yachters

Those Potter Yachters sure do get around. If they’re not getting stuck in South Bay mud or exploring the Mothball Fleet, they’re getting their transoms handed to them on Monterey Bay or scooting up-Delta in search of back issues of Latitude. On April 10, a handful of brave souls sailed out of Moss Landing into…

Ha-Ha Sign-ups Begin at Noon

We’re happy to report that we’ve gotten our new Baja Ha-Ha entry forms all set up on the website, and as soon as this ‘Lectronic Latitude posts, we will flip the switch, officially beginning the registration process for Baja Ha-Ha 17. So if you’re reading this, registration is officially open. Fear not, you have until…

The Better-Than-Great Vallejo Race

The fleet stretched far and wide on Saturday’s slide to Vallejo. © Erik Simonson The 2010 Great Vallejo Race wasn’t just great, it was downright awesome. As the opener for the Party Circuit, and the official YRA season opener, this is one of those events that’s on just about everyone’s calendar. For what we’re guessing…

May Issue Released Today

Hittin’ the streets – the May issue is out today! latitude/Annie©2010 Latitude 38 Media, LLC The May issue of Latitude 38 hits both newsstands and the interweb (later) today, and you don’t want to miss out. Inside, you’ll find out how to get a globe-girdling G-class multihull for a fraction of her replacement value. You’ll…