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For more than 40 years Latitude 38 has covered the world of sailing through the eyes of the West Coast sailor. We’ve provided sailors the connections, stories and inspiration from our sailing community, and kept you informed by reporting the good news and bad news, insights, entertainment, fun activities and antics from sailors near and far.

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'Lectronic Latitude

Vote for the Boat

Adventuress was a work boat on San Francisco Bay for many years before being taken to Seattle. She was restored in the ’70s by Ernestine Bennett and has been a youth training boat since. © 2010 Sound Experience Although she’d only been launched the year before, the 133-ft schooner Adventuress had already sailed from Maine…

Will AC 34 Be Sailed on the Bay?

Russell Coutts and Vincenzo Onorato have a plan for the 34th America’s Cup. We hope it involves the Bay. © Gilles Martin-Raget “Every candidate city knows that a very strong case has already been put forward by San Francisco.” — BMW Oracle Racing CEO Russell Coutts. With those 17 words, Russell Coutts buoyed the hopes…

Is Offshore Drilling a Reasonable Risk?

The fact that more than four million gallons of oil have now spilled into the Gulf of Mexico in the aftermath of the Deep Horizons Rig explosion begs these questions: Is offshore oil drilling a reasonable safety risk? Is it an absolutely essential element in America’s effort to become independent of Mideast Oil? And are offshore…

Embezzling Yacht Brokers Sentenced

Former long-time Sausalito yacht brokers Clay and Teresa Prescott were each sentenced yesterday to eight months in the county jail for stealing more than $200,000 from their clients. They must also pay restitution. The District Attorney maintained that the couple used monies received from boat buyers to pay personal expenses, draining escrow accounts and bouncing…

Rally Registration Skyrockets

Many sectors of the marine industry may still be shaking off the economic slumber of the recession, but there’s apparently plenty of sailors gearing up for a Mexican cruise this fall. Less than 24 hours after registration began for the 17th annual Baja Ha-Ha rally (from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas), 60 boats have…