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'Lectronic Latitude

The Sun Puts on a Show

During our recent trip to Tahiti, few cruisers we spoke to were keeping up with the mind-numbing headlines back home. But they all seemed to know about the imminent solar eclipse which would be best viewed from French Polynesia — and elsewhere along a narrow track stretching from the Cook Islands to southern Patagonia. In…

Plastiki Nears Sydney

Expedition leader David de Rothschild hopes the Plastiki Expedition will encourage people to really think about their plastic usage. © 2010 Plastiki Expedition It’s been a while since we’ve checked in with the crew of Plastiki, the 60-ft eco-catamaran made from 12,500 plastic soda bottles that sailed out the Golden Gate on March 20 on…

Ramos’ Arctic Loop Prohibited

Imagine how you’d feel if you’d spent five years and a small fortune in pursuit of becoming the first person to solo circumnavigate the North Pole, only to be turned back midway by inflexible bureaucrats. That’s exactly what happened to West Coast sailor Gary Ramos early this month when Russian authorities flatly refused to allow…

Getting Kids Off the Couch

“Look ma, I’m sailing!” A new recruit blasts across the Paradise Cay lagoon, adjacent to Tiburon YC. © Yolanda Lopez With schools out for summer, parents are faced with an age-old question: How should their little darlings fill all that free time? Sitting on the couch playing video games, sucking down Twinkies and watching adult-content…

Pacific Cup Update

The spread of the Pac Cup Fleet. © 2010 Pacific Cup With much of fleet either past or approaching the half-way point, the fickle breeze that all but Thursday’s starters experienced in their first few days at sea must be forgotten. With many boats recording double-digit speeds according to the race’s tracker, the majority of…