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Sail MS Crew Reports From Mid-Baja Ha-Ha

It sounds like a magical year for the Baja Ha-Ha. Sail MS founder Zac Singer reported in from Bahia Santa Maria, “We arrived this afternoon in Bahia Santa María and anchored just aft of the Grand Poobah. Yesterday was the best day of sailing in my life so far. We departed the anchorage early, then motored back to the start line with our mainsail up. Profligate marking the start line, we joined the line midway. Encore lit up immediately on turning downwind. Five minutes later we had our DayGlo spinnaker up, providing us with 10-12-knot boat speed. The next 24 hours were beyond words. Encore stayed neck and neck into the early evening with Resolute, a J/122 [in the] Jalapeño division, and the Poobah himself on Profligate. Resolute decided to douse the spinnaker early before sunset, but we decided to take advantage of every inch, sailing through the night as hard as we could. The crew of Encore stepped up to the plate. By nightfall, we were the only boat side-by-side with the Poobah in his performance cat, not a sail behind us in sight. By sunrise, we had made over two hundred miles. Our overall average for the leg was better than 10 knots. Sitting at anchor, eating ceviche, recounting our personal experiences over the last 24 hours, this is a lifetime experience for all of us.”

Andrews 56 Encore
Encore crewman Cisco Sco sent in this shot of the Sail MS crew leaving Isla de Cedros, heading toward Turtle Bay.
© 2022 Cisco Sco
Andrews 56 Encore
Zac and Jerome with their first ocean-caught fish, a beautiful yellowfin tuna.
© 2022 Encore
Turtle Bay - Bahia Santa Maria
Yesterday’s “screenshot” on PredictWind as the fleet made its way from Turtle Bay to Bahia Santa Maria.
© 2022 Predict Wind

Adding to the magical experience of this year’s Baja Ha-Ha, tonight, while the fleet is in Bahia Santa Maria, they (and we) will experience a total eclipse of the moon. To see it locally you’ll have to stay up late, or get up early, as the maximum eclipse happens at 2:59 a.m. Though with the forecast of rain it’s likely a moot point. Rain will not be a problem in Bahia Santa Maria!

Crewmember Jerome Pinsonnault captured Zac Singer managing fresh fish on the grill aboard Encore.
© 2022 Jerome Pinsonnault
Reflecting on life on the way south, crewmember Cisco Sco thought, “Life is good.”
© 2022 Cisco Sco

Patsy Verhoeven, who’s done the Baja Ha-Ha 14 times aboard her Gulfstar 50 Talion, says, “Beautiful sailing this year. Starlink is the best. I get ‘obstructed view’ occasionally with the big chute up but otherwise 24/7!”

The fleet will relax in Bahia Santa Maria today and head ashore tomorrow for the annual Rock ‘n’ Roll Beach Party, sponsored by the local fisherfolk. Then on Wednesday at 7:00 a.m. the fleet starts the third and shortest leg from Bahia Santa Maria to the finish in Cabo on Thursday.


  1. George 2 years ago

    What type of boat is Encore?

    • Simon 2 years ago

      Andrews 56

  2. George 2 years ago

    Right on! Delivered one of those back from Hawaii. You all are having a blast!!

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