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Rocks Two, Sailboats Nil

Two sailboats have ended up on the rocks this past week in separate incidents in California.

The Monterey Herald reported that two sailors had been rescued on Wednesday night after their 30-foot sailboat ran aground on rocks about 150 meters offshore from Pebble Beach. According to the report, the sailors issued a distress call at around 6:15 p.m.. Cal Fire officials at the scene said the pair was sailing from Southern California to San Francisco. Cal Fire’s Josh Silveira said, “They were unfamiliar with the area and got disoriented in the dark.”

Rocks claim sailboats
The 30-foot sailboat was expected to be towed from the rocks.
© 2020 David Kellogg

In another incident closer to home, a Morgan Out Island 28 was discovered aground on rocks on Friday morning, near the entrance to Emeryville Marina. According to an anonymous source, the boat was seen in its slip on Thursday night, and was “on the rocks outside the entrance” in the morning. A dinghy was also found on nearby rocks with its outboard and gas cans still on board. Both were later missing. To add to the mystery, a dinghy was heard in passing through the marina late in the evening — an occurrence that was said to be ‘unusual’.

A phone call to the Emeryville Marina revealed no further details other than that the Coast Guard was trying to find the boat’s owner. USCG was unavailable for comment.

Rocks two, sailboats nil.
According to our source, the boat’s owner had not been seen for some time.
© 2020 Anonymous
Sailboat and dinghy on the rocks
Was the dinghy involved in this sailboat’s demise?
© 2020 Anonymous


  1. Ken Brinkley 4 years ago

    Whatever the circumstances it’s always sad to see a boat in distress

  2. Martin Thomas 4 years ago

    So perhaps some of the denizens of Richardson Bay decided to go boat shopping in Emeryville and then ran into trouble towing the boat back home.

  3. Joseph DiMatteo 4 years ago

    “Better to be on your boat having a drink on the rocks than in the drink with your boat on the rocks”

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