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Good Jibes #146: Erica Mattson on Doublehanding the Pacific Cup

This week’s host, Moe Roddy, is joined by Erica Mattson to chat about crossing the Pacific with a crew of two on a small boat. Erica and her father Robin Jeffers will set sail on her Moore 24 Accelerando for the Pacific Cup (Pac Cup) on July 15.

Erica aboard her Moore 24 Accelerando.
© 2024 Erica Mattson

Hear how Erica qualified for the US Sailing Team in the ‘90s, how she committed to sailing to Hawaii, about their sleeping and eating schedule during the race, how to decompress once you’re back on land, and what they’ll do differently than in their 2022 Pacific Cup race.

This episode covers everything from the Pac Cup to the Olympics. Here’s a small sample of what you will hear:

  • When was the first time Erica was on a boat?
  • What was her favorite boat growing up?
  • Where did she qualify for the US Sailing Team?
  • How did she decide to race to Hawaii?
  • Why did she get a Moore 24?
  • What kind of watch system did she keep?
  • Was she ever scared during the race?
  • Short Tacks: Whom would she have coffee with?

Follow Erica during the race at

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