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Newsy Week in Golden Globe

The week is only half over but it’s already been a newsy one in the Golden Globe nonstop solo around-the-world race.

Jean-Luc Van Den Heede’s Rustler 36 at the Hobart film gate on October 7.
© 2018 Christophe Favreau / PPL / GGR

Jean-Luc Van Den Heede Reaches Pacific

On Monday, the veteran professional sailor Jean-Luc Van Den Heede was the first to reach the Pacific Ocean. He extended his lead over the seven remaining Golden Globe Race yachts, which stretch across 4,800 miles of Southern Ocean. On the weekend, the 73-year-old Frenchman followed in the wake of Sir Robin Knox-Johnston’s Suhaili 50 years ago by cutting inside Stewart Island on the southern tip of New Zealand to navigate through the treacherous Foveaux Straight at night. By taking the shortcut, he gained a further day’s advantage over second-place Dutchman Mark Slats in the Rustler 36 Ophen Maverick, who was then some 2,000 miles astern.

Jean-Luc selfie
A selfie from Jean-Luc VDH.
© 2018 Jean-Luc Van Den Heede

Mark Slats Injured

But, that same day, Slats alerted Race HQ that his Ophen Maverick had just suffered two knockdowns in quick succession and that he had been hit by a toolbox flying across the cabin. The impact may have cracked one of his ribs. He reported that the winds had suddenly picked up to 30-35 knots and that a 10-ft southerly swell was hitting his Rustler 36 on the beam.

Mark Slats aboard
Mark Slats is a 41-year-old Dutchman born in Australia.
© 2018 Golden Globe Race

Abhilash Tomy Back Surgery

Indian sailor Abhilash Tomy underwent major back surgery last Thursday following his rescue in the Southern Ocean. He’s expected to make a full recovery. Capt. Sharma visited him in the INHS Kalyani Naval Hospital and tweeted, “This naval legend now has a back of steel. The docs are totally floored by his sense of humour.”
Tomy responded, “Platinum, sir. My value has just gone up!”

Gregor McGuckin Returns to Ireland

Gregor McGuckin’s Biscay 36 ketch dismasted in the same storm as Abhilash Tomy. He returned to Ireland on Monday. Recalling his ordeal aboard his Hanley Energy Endurance, which suffered three knockdowns, he admitted: “We were in the worst possible place to be in at the worst possible time. The seas were huge —15 metres high — and the biggest problem I had was keeping the boat facing downwind and not slewing round to be beam-on.”

When he heard on September 21 that Tomy had been injured some 90 miles to the north, he set up a jury rig to sail toward him. ”I thought I might be first on the scene — but prayed that I wouldn’t be!”

Gregor McGuckin was reunited with his parents on Monday.
© 2018 Golden Globe Race

To keep up with the Golden Globe Race, see

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Mike Cunningham
Mike Cunningham reports: No, I don’t want to look at that chart. I don’t want to look right and see home, almost 1,700 miles away.
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