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‘Latitude’ Crew Are Out for the Holidays

It’s almost Christmas. We’re taking this opportunity to have a little rest before we launch into the new year and another 12 months of gathering, curating and publishing fun, interesting and informative sailing content for your reading enjoyment.

We’re not abandoning readers entirely next week; we’ll still be posting ‘Lectronic Latitude, including a verbatim episode of Good Jibes, and a report on the Rolex Sydney Hobart race that starts on December 26 (Down Under Time). But we will be back in full swing on Wednesday, January 3. In the meantime, we wish you a safe, warm and happy Christmas and New Year.


  1. anneke dury 6 months ago

    Enjoy! Relax! Eat too much!! And above all, thanks for all the hard work, I always look forward to LL!

  2. milly Biller 6 months ago

    Happy Holidays and get a few days to relax- you hardworking crew ! You so very richly deserve it !

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Emeryville sailor Craig Russell wrote us last week to share some if his sailing story, and asks how many days a year other sailors get out on the Bay.