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Latitude 38 Crew List Brings Sailors Together

The recent Sausalito Boat Show brought together sailors from the four corners of San Francisco Bay. Latitude 38 provided a social center for the event, and since we have been in the business of bringing sailors together for more than 40 years, we do our best to highlight our readers and their on-the-water sailing stories.

Marina at the helm, cruising!
© 2023 Marina Eisenzimmer

As anticipation was building for the this year’s Baja Ha-Ha Cruisers Rally, the conversation turned to cruising, finding crew, and Latitude 38’s perspective on the future of the Baja Ha-Ha. At the show, we spoke with many sailors who are longtime readers, and one friend of Latitude, Marina Eisenzimmer, stopped by our booth to share that she has found most of her crew through our online Crew List. Sure, they’ve sailed the Baja Ha-Ha 12 times, but it never gets old.

And how did they find crew for so many voyages? The Crew List and the Crew List parties, of course!

Crew-list sailors can become lifelong friends. Pictured left to right are Myron Eisenzimmer, Josh Han, and a couple from ND who sailed together in Puerto Vallarta after the 2021 Baja Ha- Ha.

Marina and her husband came to Latitude 38‘s September 2023 Fall Crew List Party at Spaulding Marine Center. Drawing on a long history of bringing together S.F. Bay Area sailors and sailing enthusiasts, it serves as a way to bring people together in real life, after an initial exchange on the digital crew list. Since many sailors use the online list, evaluating a person’s profile is only half the information you need to decide on whether they would be a good fit.

Marina’s Baja Ha-Ha friend Karen Miller enjoying the party!
© 2023 Marina Eisenzimmer

“We contacted them on the Latitude 38 crew list. It’s the best place to find out about someone’s background,” Marina explains. “It’s good to finally meet people in person. That way you can see how they interact with others, and see how well they get along with other people. That’s the main thing, because you want to be with people who are easy to get along with in close quarters.”

Four sailors together on deck
Randy Dinger and Shellie Alton (back) from Idaho join Myron and Marina Eisenzimmer (seated) aboard the latters’ Swan 47 Mykonos.
© 2023 Marina Eisenzimmer

Are you sailing the Ha-Ha with L38 Crew List friends? Or, for that matter, sailing anywhere else with Crew List friends?

1 Comment

  1. Karen Miller 6 months ago

    I had a long-time dream and thanks to the L38 Crew list, I’ve sailed the Baja Ha Ha 2021, 2022, 2023! Twice with Myron and Marina on Mykonos!! Great fun and wonderful people.

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