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Bucaneer’s Day

Pirates were warned that no misbehavior would be permitted.

©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC

It was a Bucaneer’s Day Weekend unlike any other at Catalina last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It started when NOAA underestimated the power of a front passing through Southern California on Friday. The channel winds started blowing at 20 knots at 7 a.m., and by the afternoon it was blowing a steady 30 with gusts into the low 40s. As desperate as pirates and wenches were to make it to Two Harbors a day early, many turned back to their mainland berths. Those who kept on going got pasted. Wayne of the J/44 Sabrosa reports that the bolts sheared on the 15-hp Suzuki he was towing, so that outboard is now on the bottom. Another of his crewmembers set off from Long Beach to Catalina in a 14-ft inflatable. A third of the way across the boat was inundated by a breaking wave. The inflatable operator wanted to turn back, but realized this wasn’t an option. He made it to the island, but had the fear of God put into him.

No matter what their age, no matter what kind of boat available, the pirates and wenches wouldn’t be denied.

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC

In the afternoon, the three-masted 120-ft schooner America Pride sprung a plank in the rough seas and began taking on water. With more than 40 young school children aboard, many government and private vessels responded. Fortunately, nobody was injured or even had to be taken off. There were several other rescues in the channel and at the island. As for the cattle boats that had left the mainland in the afternoon, they arrived at Two Harbors with scores of young Scouts puking over the rails.

Nobody needed to stay single long.

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC

We also had some excitement with Profligate, which was anchored on shallow Harbor Reef, and therefore had only the slightest protection from the ocean swell. It was just prior to the Bertarelli talk at the St. Francis (see next item) that Cee Cee Sayer, who was watching the cat for us, called to say it was rough – 25 to more than 30 knots, with 6-ft seas. In fact, she was having to motor forward all the time to take the load off the chain and bridle.

At least one ship sailed an ocean as stormy as the day before.

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC

On pins and needles during the Bertarelli talk, we dashed out of the St. Francis the minute it was over, caught a flight to LAX, and hopped in a cab to the Catalina terminal. Ferry or chartered helicopter, it didn’t matter, we had to get to the island. Well, you can’t always get what you want. It was so rough – ferry captains said they hadn’t seen anything like it in 15 years – that all the ferries were cancelled, leaving hundreds of screaming Scouts running around the terminal like headless chickens. What’s worse, even helicopter service was shut down because of the weather. There was no way for us to get to the island, so Cee Cee was going to have to ride it out alone.

Weapons weren’t allowed to be fired – except at the best of friends.

©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC

After a dozen hours of being exposed to the force of the ocean waves, providing much viewing entertainment for those at Two Harbors, Profligate‘s bridle finally failed, putting all the strain on the chain and the windlass. A few hours after dark, the last of the chain pulled out, setting the boat free. Thanks to some briliant driving in the dark by Cee Cee, who can’t even see over the bulkhead when at the helm, and some great assistance from the Harbor Patrol and Baywatch, Profligate was taken to a just-vacated mooring, and secured for the night. As Cee Cee slept like a rock, the last of the front blew through.

Because of the jammed dancefloors and lines to the bars, even the most careful wench could get her telescope bent.

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC

Bucaneer Day dawned with light Santa Ana conditions and dying seas. The weather was as fine as it had been bad the day before. It was the signal for boatloads and ferries full of pirates and wenches to make their assault on Two Harbors. We’ve been to about five Buc Days, and each one seems better and more crowded than the last. An estimated 4,000 people, most of them dressed to the hilt in costumes, and dancing and drinking like there was no tomorrow, carried on to the wee hours. Despite the crowds, the booze, and local favorite USC being humiliated by the Stanford football team, it was almost as mellow as a Jimmy Buffett concert. At midnight, we stood with Two Harbors Harbor Master Doug Ouden and his wife Maureen, marvelling that so many people, many of them having had a drink or two, could be packed so closely together, yet having so much fun. And we weren’t even aware of the line of couples enjoying ‘extreme lap dances’ – if not full-on sex – on the little bulkhead above the beach. Other than a few minor incidents and hangovers, it was a great success. Who makes Buc Day happen? All the great workers at Two Harbors who, despite being so terrific all summer long, raise the bar even higher on that one busiest day of the year.

Since just about everyne had a cutlass, what was the need for utensils?

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC

The ironic thing is that we’re writing this on Sunday, with the season now all but over, and the weather is better than it has been all year. It’s hot, dry and the water and sky are having a battle to see which can be the most blue. So if you’re headed south for the Ha-Ha, watch for the fronts, but be prepared for Southern California being as good as it gets.

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