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Caption Contest(!)

If we’re in the second half of the year, sliding toward December, does that mean everything is going to be downhill or upside down?

Thanks to Irina Potekhina for sending us this photo she took during this year’s Corinthian midwinter races. Scuttlebutt says they sailed this way for an entire leg!

Caption Contest(!) Aug'23_ Sailboat
Your caption here.
© 2023 Irina Potekhina, White Raven Media

You can find July’s winner and top ten in August’s Loose Lips.


  1. Daniel Haynes 11 months ago

    It’s a new cut. Really nice set!

  2. Andy Newell 11 months ago

    I’m not sure this is what they meant by ‘asymmetric’

  3. Bill Andrew 11 months ago

    Billed as “revolutionary”, the new V-symmetrical spinnaker didn’t quite live up to expectations…

  4. peter metcalf 11 months ago

    “Works for me!”

    Whereas an upside down jib was embarrassing to my crew (who set the sail).

  5. Brian Richards 11 months ago

    All the cool kids do this once ina while. And it improves forward visibility. You do have to remember to set the blooper athwart too.

  6. Candy 11 months ago

    Working their way through “50 Ways to Screw the Chute”.

  7. Scott Henry 11 months ago

    See, we’re going faster with more area aloft! Genius!

  8. Jeff Deuel 11 months ago

    It was a normal day until the Hawkins National Laboratory boat showed up…then Things got Stranger.

  9. Michael Johnson, owner of the boat in the picture. I am hoping that my bowman is not on the Lectronic Latitude email list. 11 months ago

    All good sailors know that there is more wind aloft.

  10. Marc Carleton Lesko 11 months ago

    Jeez guys, we are just drying the shoot. What’s the big deal?

  11. Steve Rienhart 11 months ago

    “Skipper said I’m tired of the foot getting wet; rig it so it won’t get wet; sure…”

  12. Gene D Bennett 11 months ago

    Get more sail into the higher pressure above the water in light winds.

  13. Bud Kerner 11 months ago

    If we are airborne will the rudder still work?

  14. Jeff Bruton 11 months ago

    Flattop main, flattop kite. 20% discount when purchased together.

  15. Greg Thornton 11 months ago

    See! I told you the view would be better this way!

  16. David Hume 11 months ago

    Don’t laugh, it’s working

    • Rev Dr Malama 11 months ago

      We’re in first place… to be last.

  17. Rob Falconer 11 months ago

    Mount Ararat must be around here somewhere, Noah

  18. Rich Kerbavaz 11 months ago

    That’s way better visibility forward!! Starboard!!!

  19. Ron Harben 11 months ago

    Pole? What pole? We don’ need no stinkin’ pole!

  20. D Baker 11 months ago

    I haven’t got a clew !

  21. Kent Carter 11 months ago

    The only dignified way out sometimes is to fully own it!

  22. Dave Peterson 11 months ago

    Skipper is using the Aussie method: Just fly the kite, and she’ll be right Mate.

  23. Eben Kermit 11 months ago

    Using a technique learned in Australia on hoisting the Kite…

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